Introducing March's Theme: Seeing Dreams
March is here, babes, and we're diving into dream magic!
Self-care is an everyday affair this month. How are you magicking your wildest visions into a reality? Lean into your joy, into your most ludicrous imaginings, with reckless abandon. This month, dream that magical dream. Now is the perfect time to lavish yourself with affection, to re-commit to your visions for a more juicy life. What would a rich self-care practice look like for you? The year is young yet—tend to budding desires hidden behind the curtain of your subconscious. Challenge them to soak up the light, to be seen, to be heard. Honor yourself by meeting them where they're at, and then taking that extra step forward onto the path ahead. Magic awaits, babe. And it's all yours for the taking.
This month is packed full of offerings to help you make your dreams come true—tap into your sensual landscape, learn how to divine your dream archetypes, heal your dreamscape, and cultivate radical self-love with the tarot in one of our Zoom workshops. These gatherings are each held online and include replay for all registered participants. We can't wait to join in community and sweet magic with you all!
Stability & Balance
Good Long Baths
Reading & Learning
Talking to other humans
And is always looking for the next thing to make your heart sing...
We are here for you, babe. Join a community of wonderful witchy humans who are learning to joyfully and pleasurably THRIVE by weaving magic and ritual into everyday life.
Rooted in Ritual. Connected to Magic. Fueled by Community.

Membership $33/mo or $330/year (save $66!)