The Hanky Code originated in the 1960s in a series of gay leather bars around Los Angles, California. The hankies functioned as a color coded system for communicating illegal or stigmatized sexual desires within the construct of top/dominate and bottom/submissive. While the hankies lubricated one’s navigation through sexual relations, the very existence of such strategically codified garments illuminates the grave reality of extreme sexual oppression and persecution during that time period. The use of the Hanky Code has trickled into the present with slightly less severe undertones, but our intention in illustrating, printing and distributing this new version of the Hanky Code was to remove its historical connotations of shame and fear entirely. The drawings assert sex and body positive visibility not only within queer enclaves but to the masses as well.
Hand silkscreened on colored bandanas with black and silver ink. Slight variations in color, images and sizes may occur. Approximately 13" square, with the exception of the mint hanky which is approximately 16".
The Code:
left (top/ dominant) || color || right (bottom/ submissive)
piercer | purple | piercee
fucker | navy blue | fuckee
wants head | light blue | expert cocksucker
fist fucker | red | fist fuckee
dildo fucker | pink | dildo fuckee
wants feet worshiped | coral | likes feet
2 looking for 1 | gold | 1 looking for 2
anything, anywhere, anytime | orange | not now, thanks
spanker | fuchsia | spankee
hustler | kelly green | john
CBT (cock and ball torture) torturer | teal blue | CBT (cock and ball torture) torturee
likes drag | lavender | drag queen/king
rimmer | beige | rimmee
cowboy | rust | his horse
heavy s&m top | black | heavy s&m bottom
suck my pits | magenta | armpit freak
bondage top | grey | bondage bottom
beat my meat | white | i'll do us both
pisser | yellow | pissee
mommy |mint green| wants a mommy
daddy |hunter green| wants a daddy
food fetish top |lime green| food fetish bottom
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