Work some beautiful, intentional garden magic with these flower seed packs!
Poppies Seed Mix: There is nothing quite like the Poppy. Packet includes a blend of Shirley in Red, Pink, Yellow, White, Magenta, Mauve. Icelandic in Blush, Baby Pink, Cream, Salmon, Red Californica Poppies
Fragrant Seed Mix: Always stop and smell the flowers. Cut a bouquet, keep them where you can enjoy. The wafts of spicy, sweet floral aroma. These come in waves. Always remove spent flowers for new blooms. Packet includes a blend of Lavender, Sweet Pea, Cornflower, Sweet Sultan, Sweet William, Forget me Not, Bird's Eye, Candytuft, Siberian Wall Flower
Edible Flower Mix: Enhance your favorite dishes with this tasty, colorful mix of edible flowers for the kitchen or garden. Packet includes a blend of: Holly Hocks, Chicory, Nasturtium, Coriander, Shasta Daisy, Sweet William, Purple Coneflower, English Daisy, Fennel
Cutting Flower Mix: Everything you need to craft florist quality bouquets from your own garden. We've selected a range of sizes and textures to mix, match, and create a variety of inspired blooms throughout the season. Packet includes: Aster, Pot Marigold, Bachelor Button, Godetia, Clarkia, Coreopsis, Cosmos, Chinese Forget me Not, Delphinium, African Daisy, Californica Poppy, Gaillardia, Baby's Breath, Sunflower, Strawflower, Candytuft, Tree Mallow, Alyssum Tall, Evening Primrose, Shirley Poppy, Bluebells, Black Eyed Susan, Marigold, Zinnia.
Bee & Pollinator Mix: A delightful mix of perennials and annuals intended to feed bees and other pollinators, this attractive blend works well for natural plantings in beds and field areas. Packet includes: Butterfly Milkweed, New England Aster, Siberian Wallflower, Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower, California Poppy, Gaillardia, Lemon Queen, Gayfeather, Sweet Alyssum, Cosmos Sensation, Lupine, Bergamot, Baby Blue Eyes, Evening Primrose, Red Corn Poppy, Purple Phacelia, Prairie Coneflower, Crimson Clover.
How to Use:
Days to Maturity varies based on location.
Prepare weed-free bed area, broadcast mixture evenly over the area. Lightly rake the seed and gently tamp into the soil to ensure good seed to soil contact. Seed should be no deeper than 1/8". Keep the area moist to aid in germination.
Planting Times: in cooler climates, plant the seeds in Spring and Early Summer. In warmer climates plant the seeds in Spring through Late Fall. This seed mix works best in areas of Full/Near-Full Sun.
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