The Witchy Wonder of Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th is a magical invitation to step into a world of sensuality, pleasure and radical self love. The universe is shimmering with arms fully, joyfully, expanded, welcoming you in to a mischievous playground of enchantment. What used to be a day known as bad luck has since morphed to be a portal of transformation. Magic. This Friday is a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the entirety of your radiant magical existence. Embrace the magic of strangeness, of queerness, and revel in it all, knowing that it is in your celebration that radical changes happen. It's no wonder the patriarchy felt scared to consider this day as one of empowerment and embodiment for magical beings.


Fridays are said to be ruled by Venus, the planet most well known for their association with pleasure, romance, creativity, and play. To embrace this witchy landmark is to embrace these qualities. Not so scary, right? You can easefully incorporate this sumptuous magic by spending extra time doting on yourself, and going the extra mile to romance yourself simply because you deserve it. Embrace this invitation to revel in Venusian energy by taking an extra long, extra bubbly bath with all of your favorite scents. Seduce yourself with a candle lit dinner followed by self pleasure, or take a walk and bask in the glimmery chilled airs of Autumn. Submerge in what pleasure means to you and follow what your body is reaching for. Now is the time to embrace your full body fuck yes moments!


Thirteen is a number that has been particularly associated with misfortune, but one of the most empowering aspects of being a magical, witchy human is that you get to create the lens in which you view the world- how would it feel to shift this to a lens of pleasure? The thirteenth major arcana card in tarot is Death. While the first initial reaction might be to shy away, try sitting for a moment and looking below the surface. This card is a representation of transformation and joyous rebirth. To end one chapter is to begin anew. What if Friday the 13th was all about being reborn into pleasure and radical self love, leaving the chapters of insecurity, shame, or fear in the past and entering a new chapter of pleasure and psychic connection? There are many synchronicities amongst the number thirteen that make this magic especially potent; a full year contains thirteen lunar cycles, and in traditional witchcraft, a coven often includes thirteen witches.


This superstitious day creates space for you to recognize and honor the magic in you, within community, and the opportunity for you to manifest with this vibrant energy. Hone in on this energy through a manifestation spell to bring forward your most authentic, and even strange, desires. This spell is intended to invite you to meet yourself, your desires, and grant them permission to exist in this life alongside you. Find strength in the unique qualities that make you, you, and expand on them. How would it feel to lean into your dreams and experience them in your waking reality? Find out through a manifestation ritual on this most magical of days, Friday the 13th.

Friday the 13th Manifestation Spell

What you'll need:

Find a comfortable space where you feel like your most embodied, empowered version of self. This could be in your bedroom, under your favorite tree in your back yard, or by a rushing river. Once you've arrived, get comfortable by laying down or sitting. You can use pillows, a yoga mat, or blankets to invite a supportive, cozy atmosphere. Once you feel ready to begin your spell, start by imagining what you desire. This could be as abstract as freedom, connection, and joy, or as clear as a new home on your favorite street, or a raise with a specific desired wage. Allow your mind to roam through your thoughts without rules and without judgement. Affirm to yourself: all desires are safe with you. Imagine yourself living a life where these desires were achieved. Feel the warm air of a vacation in your dream town, or the thrill of excitement from being celebrated. Experience these moments in the now. Once you feel alive in these experiences, bring out your paper and pen. On this paper, create a list of 13 affirmations declaring these desires as truths. For example, "I am a magnet to pleasureful experiences." Take your time writing this list, allow yourself to feel all of these affirmations as a full sensory experience. Slowing down and intentionally writing these affirmations helps manifest these desire into reality. By allowing yourself the permission to feel these affirmations as truths, further brings these desires to life.


Once your list is complete, grab your cauldron and matches. Read over your list, speaking these affirmations aloud for the universe to hear. Fold this list 13 times, then place in your cauldron before setting fire to your list of affirmations. As the flames dance and consume this paper, imagine the fire bringing life to all of your desires so you may experience them fully in this life. Imagine your dreams dancing to life in the flames. Feel the heat emanating from these flames like a heartbeat, and invite in this warmth like a hug. You have brought your dreams to life in this moment.


Once the fire has burnt out, and the ashes have cooled, compost these ashes by burying them in the ground to fertilize your dreams and allow the Earth to tend to your desires to end the ritual.


***Witchy Tip***

If you feel called to make this a 13 day ritual to immerse yourself in the magic of thirteen, you can do so by following these steps:


For thirteen days find a little bit of time for intentional visualization. Beginning the day after you have buried your ashes, find a space that resonates with you, or if it is easeful, return to the initial place you cast your spell. Get comfortable in this space, bring tools that resonate with you like a grounding ritual room and body spray, or a crystal to help tether you to your intentions. Take deep full belly breathes, do a full body wiggle, or take some time to stretch before you begin.


Once you feel centered and ready to begin, for at least a minute, imagine your desires growing and expanding in the Earth. You are are the source of your desires, and therefore the strongest connection to them. As you grow and continue to share your energy with your manifestations, your spell grows stronger. Envision your desires developing roots that grow stronger each day before they eventually sprout, bringing your manifestation into this world to be enjoyed by you. Imagine as these sprouts develop and bloom, with each bloom an affirmation you have written is entering your life to be experienced. See yourself living in this reality and feel it completely, as you did when you first cast your spell. Close out this exercise by saying aloud "I have experienced my desires before, and I will experience my desires again."


Remember as you explore the magic of Friday the 13th: this day is an invitation to explore the most strange, pleasureful, and magical aspects of yourself. Jump head first into this day; leave shame and fear behind. Friday the 13th is a beckoning call to release societies expectations from your psyche and tap in to your most authentic self. This is a day of transformation, passion, and outlandishness. What aspects of yourself do you hide away, or keep tamed? Who could you be if you walked in life without concern of being perceived? Who are you when you are alone? When is the last time you did something simply because you wanted to?


Friday the 13th is here to allow you space to explore without judgement. Wear that daring outfit that you've kept at the back of your closet because there wasn't an occasion important enough, dance in public as you walk from destination to destination, start a conversation with a stranger (make eye contact over produce, compliment that cuties outfit, be brave!) This is your witchy world, everyone else is just living in it.

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