Seeing Dreams: Tending to Waking Dreams

A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep. 

This child's lullaby was crooned to many a young witch, creating a place where the dream realm enchanted and brought forward the sweetest desires of the heart. As we age we learn to also hold the reality of dreams; that they are deep-rooted desires, a manifestation of our intuitive being, that not all dreams will come to life. We learn to navigate the heartache, the heart break, the feelings of excitement and curiosity. We learn to continue fostering hope and seeking the gifts of an experience that wasn't quite what we dreamed of. We learn to be messy humans, and most importantly- we learn. And with this learning we come to understand: A dream is a gift from your spirit, lighting the way towards a path that brings you embodiment.

It's hard to be awake right now; this is a reality that lots of humans, magical or not, are experiencing. It's hard to know that when you dream there is utopia, there is a softer, safer place to exist, and in the waking that is disillusioned. But what if we fostered the belief that our dreams are an extension of our intuition, leading us in a direction that is aligned with our purpose? What if we could take the dreams as bread crumbs and follow the trails, trusting that these little morsels can nourish us and lead us to bigger dreams collectively unfolding?

Seeing Dreams is what witches and magical folk do when there is a gap between desire and reality. We take the unbridled expression of what we wish for, we accept the gift of seeing what could be, and we dive in with curiosity and compassion to start closing the gap. Dream work in the waking looks like using these dreams to create a map, to create tangible outlines that offer direction and steps to take. Sometimes these steps look like leaps and bounds, and other times they're the tiniest forward inertia; both are magical. Both are important.

What do you dream of? What comes forward from the corners of your mind when there is enough stillness to let these thoughts ebb forward?

Let these questions offer the first bread crumbs. Perhaps this brings the realization that there isn't enough stillness for dreams to bloom. If this is resonant to you- you are not alone. The world is moving frenetically and it makes so much sense that it doesn't feel like there's space to dream. These dream rituals were created to stoke your subconscious worlds; you might enjoy this starting point where you work with the gifts offered to you while sleeping. When you're ready for it, or if you have answers to the questions above, use the ritual below to create a dream map that can be used for bringing dreams to your waking life.

An Embodiment Ritual for Dream Mapping

For this ritual, you will need:

  • 15-20 minutes during the day part where you feel the most magical (morning, evening- you decide!)
  • a candle and incense OR an intentional aura spray.
  • a journal and a pen
  • a warm beverage
  • a tarot deck or divination tool you're working with
  • anything else that makes you feel comfortable (blankets are a must in this witchy house)

Start by gathering your tools, your warm bevvy, and getting cozy. Hold onto the warm drink and anchor into this contact, inhaling into the warmth and letting it fill you, exhaling out any tension your body might be holding. Sit with these breaths until you feel present. Then light your candle (or spritz your spray) and offer the intention "I am embodied and receptive to what my dreams will teach me". Focus on the flame, or the mist shimmering over you, and repeat this intention with three deep breaths. Grab your journal and pen, and answer the question: What do you dream of? You may wish to freely write and let thoughts flow, or pull a card from your tarot deck as a starting point. As these dreams and desires start to take form, give yourself space to also examine the root. What needs are nourishing the seeds of these dreams? Again, you might try pulling a card to deepen your answers.

Once you have a clearer vision of your dreams and their rooted desires, use your candle to light incense and offer this moment an energetic cleanse. Let the smoke clear away any limiting beliefs that make you feel like this isn't a dream you can dream. Offer the smoke another intention as it cleanses; "It is safe to dream, it is safe to be curious".

Return to your journal and grab your deck if you haven't used it yet. Pick one specific dream/ desire and do this small spread, which can be used to create a map for embodying your dreams.


How am I already bringing this dream to life?


What is a small step I can take towards further embodying this dream?


What is something that can support me if I feel stuck?


A message from the spirit of your dream

When you have finished creating this map, give yourself a few minutes to journal about any thoughts that came up. Does this map feel doable? When can you start? Do you have a support system you can turn to for accountability? How does your body feel holding this process?

Offer yourself space to wiggle, to dance, to shimmy these emotions around that way they don't stay stuck in your body. To complete this ritual, speak an affirming intention, "my dreams are worth chasing", and blow out the candle.


Remember that part of being human is existing as a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional creature, and there is no shame in the dreams you dream. They are yours to hold, yours to follow, and yours to dream.

If this kind of ritual felt exciting, or sparked a deep-rooted curiosity- we have a community for you. The Seagrape Babesis a digital platform, filled with witches from all over the world and a Portland local base. We dive into magic like this, and the thoughts that come up with it, on a regular basis. The doors to the community will be open for Spring Equinox, and we'll only be accepting a handful of new witches so that we can focus on fostering community- join the waitlist to get the first notification of doors opening!

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