Full Bloom: Color Magic with Flower Garlands

Imagine laying down facing the sun, your limbs expanded in a dance of display. Your eyes are closed and there is a warm haze kissing your skin, a soft bright glow behind your eyes. This moment is magnificent, glorious, not bothered by anyone or anything. All you exist for is this instant, right here and right now. This is your magic in full bloom. Uninterrupted, sacred, abundant. You are a radiant beam, a vital gift to this world, babe, and it’s time to let the world see. 


Flowers are the paragon of taking up space in a way that insists on a witness. Their petals are a natural expansion of self, a celebration of beauty and joy.

They have long been an ally to intuition and self expression. Poise, grace, protection, clarity and so much more; they’re here for it all. We can collaborate with them and this energy through ritual and intention. This can take form in bouquets, flower essences, etc. Flower garland is a beautiful way to weave your full bloom energy  with the acceptance that they offer, and gives you a way to call on this energy with ease. 


For this, you’ll need: 


  1. A basket of flowers, approximately 30 heads or so depending on size

  2. A needle and thread (this is a great resource for an intro to flower garland making, and here is another for weaving without a needle)


Color magic is a potent tool for the fibers of a spell; as you pick the components of yours, consider the symbolism behind them and align that with how you want to feel when you’re existing in full bloom: 


Red: physical energy, health, strength. Orchids, roses, or carnations.

Orange: ideas, motivation, attraction. Begonias, chrysanthemums, marigold, tulips. 

Yellow: creativity, self-expression. Marigolds, daisies, black eyed susans.

Green: new beginnings, growth. Hydrangeas, carnations, zinnias.

Blue: stillness, peace. delphiniums, forget-me-nots, morning glory

Pink: self-healing, integrity. dahlias, geranium, peony 

White: Peace, spirituality, higher self. Chamomile, yarrow, mums 


Before you begin, ground yourself in a way that unapologetically takes up space. Inhale deeply and stretch your arms up high. Slowly exhale and reach your arms out wide away from the body, bringing them down in an opening, circular motion. Move, stretch, dance to express your body in whichever way feels good. Repeat this breath flow as much as you’d like, reflecting on the expansive magic that is your existence. Inhale, “my magic is a gift to the world”. Exhale, “I am the physical expression of abundance and pleasure”. Use this uninhibited, bold energy to create an intention for your garland. It can represent empowerment, boldness, joy, a witness to you and your magic. All you have to do is ask. 


Prepare your needle and thread and begin weaving the flowers together. As you thread, focus on your intention. Each connecting flower is a representation of the intricacies that make you, you. Move slowly, intentionally. Handle the flowers as gently and kindly as you would yourself. With reverence. With adoration. These fibers are weaved with a gift to yourself; permission to take up as much space as you want. Permission to bloom uninhibited.


When your garland has reached a length that you find pleasing, find a space you’d like to infuse with this potent energy. Above your altar, above your bed, near the space where you ready yourself for the day. Use the bright colors and energy to reinvigorate yourself when you need it. As the flowers dry, know that they leave you with permission to bloom as fully and as often as you’d like.


While your garland is up, consider what stands in your way when it comes to expansion. What have you been able to navigate with ease, and where have there been challenges? Take note, try and navigate with ease, and know that you’re on the right track. Dried garland can also offer beauty to your space and can be just as energetically potent if you’re feeling connected to it. There is no rush to take it down.


When you are ready, thank the flowers for sharing space with you and gently return them to the earth (composting is a lovely option).

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