Witch on the Go! Tools to Take with You 

Emerging from the haze of quarantine, many of us have established new routines and self-care practices that are tied to our home or safe spaces. Whether you are an extroverted Gemini and can’t wait to get back into a life of parties and social events, or a Taurus who’s home life is so much more luxurious thanks to all the creature comforts you invested in during stay home rules, it’s hard to miss we’re re-entering a universe of booked calendars, workplaces, and public spaces. 


This is an important time to reground yourself in your body, to remember that your body is your magical touchstone, your Sanctuary, and it deserves to feel safe and protected. Your magic is in your bones, in the soft pads of your fingertips, and in the spells you weave with your community, loved ones, and family.


Our bodies carry all the elements we need to cast a spell, and our bodies are here for us to come home to any time we’d like. 


To enhance your innate magic, there are a few easy tools to use on the go. Remember these are just additions, and your intention is the most powerful tool of all! 



An absolutely favorite of the Seagrape Staff - sprays are a multipurpose magical tool that are so easy to pop in a bag and use whenever you need an energetic boost. A spray calls on the element of water to clear your energetic field, magically enhanced essential oil blends invite in specific energies, and the are simply refreshing to boot. An all around amazing tool for the witch on the go.


Here’s a simple recipe for your own travel aura clearing spray! 


You will need: 


  1. Small spray bottle 

  2. Distilled water (or moon water!)  

  3. Essential oil blend: 

  4. cedarwood + juniper + cypress - grounding blend

  5. Rosemary + lavender + lemon - clearing blend 

  6. Ylang ylang + lavender + clary sage - sensual blend 

Add 1 drop each of essential oil to your spray bottle, top with distilled water, and charge on your altar for an added magical boost. Spritz yourself whenever you're out and about and need a quick energetic clearing. 



Carry your magic with you - put that magic stone in your pocket babe! Crystals work wonders as magical grounding tools - their textured surfaces a welcome place for anxious hands, quite literally providing you a touchstone to your magic.


Some favorites for travel or grounding include: 

  1. Black Tourmaline: Provides a strong defense for energetic boundaries 

  2. Moss Agate: Provides strength and stability 

  3. Green Fluorite: Brings life supporting calm, allowing us to relate positively with the world around us



Traveling with candles is a total game changer! Turn any random hotel room into a cozy haven for your body and your magic. Candlelight has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety! Our Massage Candles are made with a lid, making them the perfect tool to pop in a suitcase and bring your magic with you. Try Deep Light to infuse your space with the clearing energy of lavender essential oil.


Travel Altars:

An Altar can be as large and immovable, or as small and ever changing as you desire! A pocket size altar in an altoid tin, a small Altar on your desk or workspace, or even an altar you build for a weekend at your campsite. They are all a manifestation of your magic!


Creating Your Own Travel Altar:


Decide on the purpose of your travel Altar. Is it a small version of something you tend to at home? Is it meant to protect or inspire you on your travels?

Once you have a clear idea of what your Altar is meant to do (even if it's as simple as carry your favorite Magical tools), it's time to choose your components. You'll need whatever variety of these items that suits you:


A small container like a box or an Altoid tin, or a pouch

A gemstone for grounding or protection

A tea light candle

Small piece of plant matter for clearing (like mugwort, yarrow, juniper, or cedar)

A Tarot Deck

An intention or pen and paper to write your own.


Decorate the inside of your tin or wood box with beautiful paper or lace. If you're using a pouch simply wrap your sacred tools like Tarot or gemstones in a bandana, Altar cloth, or your favorite soft scarf.

Write your intention on a piece of paper and tuck it into the container along with the tools you've chosen. This is both a spell and an affirmation, and can be something like:

"I invite in mystery"

"I am safe on my travels"

"I am held by this Magic"


Try putting together a magical travel bag that includes your favorite sprays, crystals, ritual oils for anointing pulse points, and a small oracle or tarot deck. Enhance your magic travel altar with a candle, and perhaps a juicy book to read while you soak up your magic. This magic is yours to create and have with you all the time.


Short on time? Check out these complete mini-ritual kits! Use this Travel Witch Kit the next time you're on the go.



Tag us in your special travel altars on instagram at @seagrapeapothecary


Want to dive even deeper with magical practices and an amazing community? We invite you to join our private Seagrape Babes online network! 


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- Rue, Founder & CEO

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