Tending Your Inner Witch: Building an Altar to Connect with Your Ancestors

As you continue to expand, unfurl, and deepen your roots to strengthen your foundation, remember that you do not have to be alone while diving into this rich magic. Connecting with your inner witch allows you to really get to know yourself so that your boundaries stand firmly and create a dialogue of trust with yourself. Tending to the magic that is deeply embedded in you is a cause for collaboration and celebration; what better way to collaborate with your magic then by inviting in your ancestors? The foundation that makes you you goes back to a time before you even existed on this earthly plane. Generations of habits, ideas, and cycles played a part in creating the incredible and magical being that you are. You are already filled with knowledge from ancestors you may have never met.


If you have qualms about not knowing your ancestors or are not in alignment with what your blood ancestors stood for: you are not alone, babe. We're here to tell you that ancestors are more than just those of blood. Ancestors of the land, of the plants, of spirits, of chosen family. These are all energies that exist around you that are available and happy to collaborate with you. Consider this your permission piece to decline engaging with ancestors that don't feel supportive to you on your journey.


Whether you know the names and histories of your ancestors or not, you still have a connection to them. Reaching out to ancestors you have never met or you have yet to build relationship with can feel overwhelming, but it can be as simple as starting with some research. If you would like to navigate learning more about blood ancestors and are able to, try reaching out to family members and ask them to tell you stories about your relatives as far as they can remember. Ask about their unique qualities, favorite foods, or books, and learn about your similarities. If reaching out to family is not accessible, you could learn about the land your ancestors likely lived on, the plants in the area, popular dishes, and activities commonly done.


All of these pieces are a part of ancestral magic, inviting in these pieces of the lives they led offers your ancestors a witnessing moment. Next time you are curious about trying a new recipe, consider going back to your roots by trying a dish associated with your lineage and invite your ancestors to eat with you. Adorn your home with flowers and herbs native to the land your ancestors lived on, or try learning a skill associated with their time. All of these actions can help you discover the different ways you can build an altar for your ancestors. If you'd like to learn more about how to use tarot to communicate with your ancestors, this class might be for you!


Diving into ancestors not of blood is a very similar process in proceeding with curiosity. Do you feel a strong connection to trees and their presence? You may view them as an ancestor, an older guiding wisdom. You might start by learning how to identify which trees are making themselves known to you, and then diving deep into their lore. The trick to working with ancestors is giving them a space where they can be acknowledged and feel received. Witnessing is a powerful magic.


Altars are the physical representation of intentions, a visual reminder for a witch to witness the magic they're weaving. Building an altar to connect with your ancestors can support you on your journey by offering a visual reminder to engage with the spirits you're learning about!

to build an ancestor altar:

  • find a space in your home you feel your ancestors would find joyous. When you imagine your ancestor relaxing comfortably, where would you place them? If you have not built relationship with your ancestors before, trust your intuition! Take your time walking through your home, almost like you are giving your ancestor a tour and welcoming them in. Describe the spaces that are available to share and wait a moment to see where their energy feels strongest and invite them to find a home in this space. This could be a shelf in the kitchen so you can cook together, a window sill near the dining table so you can share meals together, a tucked away side table table in your living room so you can laugh together, or a shelf in your study so you can read together.
  • Cleanse the area you decide on with incense or moon water
  • Select items that you feel represent your ancestors energetically. This could be a photo, a gift they may have given you, or something that you feel describes them. Be creative and use the knowledge you have at hand, including your intuition! If you're receiving good gut feelings this could be your ancestors speaking through you. You can also use crystals or herbs associated with ancestral connection like agate or rosemary to further strengthen your link to your ancestors.
  • Place these items on your altar. Move slowly, take your time getting to know each item. Imagine how your ancestor may have felt holding these items, and thank them for sharing space with you as you place them on your altar.

To engage with your altar + ancestors (an important part of keeping an altar thriving- you keep the space charged and 'alive' when you engage regularly!) light a candle and welcome them. You can use a ritual spelled candle to invite them to share space with you, or create your own spell candle.


Creating Your Own Spell Candle for Ancestral Connection

What You'll Need:

  • A candle the color that you associate with your ancestors
  • Alternatively, you could use a Brown candle to connect to your roots/ancestors
  • An oil to dress your candle
  • Rosemary herbs
  • A pen and piece of paper
  • Thread


To begin creating your own spell candle, collect all of your tools and find the space in your home you would like to invite your ancestor(s) to. This could be where you intend to set up your altar, or a space you feel comfortable in. Allow yourself to take up space and feel free to integrate items that create an easeful experience. For example, if you feel called to work your magic in the kitchen and you would like to set up on the cool kitchen floor, grant yourself permission to rest on a blanket or pillows to facilitate a joyful experience. Remember, this spell is just as about you as it is about your ancestors.


Once you have accumulated your tools and set up space somewhere you feel drawn to, begin to prepare your candle. Go about dressing your candle by anointing it with an oil. It is important to use an oil to coat your candle because this substance works as a bind or carrier to the herbs you will be using later on. Think of this oil as a glue holding your spell together. Coconut oil or olive oil is a wonderful option if you do not already have a ritual infused oil. You'll only need a few drops of oil to fully dress your candle, be sure not to immerse the wick so that you are able to light your candle once you have finished with your spell. As you apply your oil to your candle, say aloud "with this oil I build a bridge to my ancestors." Once your candle is dressed, roll your candle in rosemary or sprinkle it on top of your candle until it is fully covered.


Rosemary is an herb that is known to help recall wisdom and memories stored deep in the body. Ancestors pass down ancient wisdom from generation to generation, this shared intuitive understanding connects you to your ancestors and strengthens your roots. Using rosemary helps facilitate the recollection of this inherent bond. As you sprinkle this herb on your candle speak "with the help of Rosemary, I remember the love of my ancestors." Once you have finished coating your candle in rosemary, set your intention for this candle. One way to do this is to write the purpose of your candle on a small piece of paper and secure it to your candle. For example, you could write, "I invite my ancestors to share this space with me." After writing down your intention, attach it to your candle by tying the small piece of paper to your candle. Once you have fastened the intention to your candle, cast your spell by lighting your candle.

You can use this candle as a way to share space with your ancestors. As you're igniting the wick be sure to say hello, letting them know you see them and they are welcome. You could think of lighting your candle as opening your front door for them to come in. Whenever you would like to part ways, or are ready to leave your altar space, say goodbye and blow out the candle, effectively closing the door. Once your candle is no longer able to light and you have made total use of this spell, refer back to this blog to remake your spell candle.

Not having a close relationship to your ancestors in life does not mean you are unable to have a close relationship in the present. You may not know them, but they have always known you and are just waiting for you to take that step to foster a connection with them. Nurturing your connection with your ancestors nurtures you in tandem, the love you ancestors have for you is overflowing and only adds to the care you will allow yourself. Your roots run deeper than you know, babe; grant yourself the opportunity to nurture and tend to your inner witch as you continue to grow and expand in this life.

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