Taking Root: Rooting Into Your Boundaries with Saturn
Boundaries. A clear distinction between you and outside elements. The parameters of space that contain you vs. the parameters of space that contain someone, something, else. Or as Pixie Lighthouse says in their brilliant book Boundaries and Protection, "dividing lines between us and other creatures...where we end and someone else begins". The concept of boundaries may be so simple and easy to perceive on paper, but the story that your body holds when considering the practice of boundaries may be an entirely different story. For some witches boundaries can be a source of anxiety or stress, and that is so valid. The world doesn't see a lot of focus on recognizing and honoring parameters being created, but these are stories you can rewrite. Through intentional collaboration with self, and with community, you can create new stories around boundaries and hold them as ever-going, ever-evolving practices for being in deliberate, intentional relationship first with yourself and then with others. And, because we're witches, we can look to the planets for guidance. Saturn brings the gifts and messages of time, and this guidance can be collaborated with as you stretch out your roots and dig deep into boundaries that support you living the life you desire.
There can often be confusion between what is a boundary and what is a rule. For the sake of this journey, we'll operate with the framework of boundaries being "I" statements and ideas around oneself, and rules as agreements made between individuals that may be influenced by a boundary. For example: "If this happens then I will xyz" as a boundary and "this is what will happen" as a rule.
Navigating what your personal boundaries look like creates a strong foundation that supports your embodiment- when you are able to trust yourself, you're able to exist in an uninhibited way that feels rooted and strong. This creates a dialogue where boundaries operate as a foundational practice that you check in on regularly to support your movement and growth.
Saturn is one of the seven traditional planets, and is often considered the Grandfather of Astrology for the wise, elder energy they bring to the table (and to be completely honest- they also have a bit of a rep as a hard ass!) What Saturnian themes do you notice in your every day life? Examples of this may look like Saturn coming in to play when you're running late for work and hit every single red light along the way- a cheeky invitation to examine the boundaries of time and how you navigate that. You might also notice after making a decision that there is a universal gift associated with it- like only ordering one taco for a nice little treat because you're on a budget but then unexpectedly being gifted a taco plate.
Working with Saturn can be a complex, unique experience. Some folks thrive with this energy and others yet may find it overwhelming. We're not adapted to receiving information that can feel constricting, and sometimes boundaries can feel just like that. Working with Saturn is synonymous with reparenting yourself; navigating the bigger picture of your life and what support you need from yourself to sustainably make your way towards the future you're creating instead of placing all your focus on the here and now. This type of journey is perhaps best envisioned by imagining the roots of a tree. They are deep, strong, sturdy, and stretch in all the ways needed to support the tree as it grows. Much like Saturn, these roots don't exist to control or inhibit the tree in any way; rather, they exist as the sustenance, gathering nutrients and working as a communication system with the rest of the tree. What if working with Saturn was like imagining your roots stretching out and anchoring, creating boundaries that support the cycles of life you experience? What if rooting into your boundaries created an environment where you were able to thrive in all of the ways you want? This is the gift Saturn wants to offer you.
Creating boundaries is a slow and steady process that asks you to reach deeply inward to see what your needs are. And sometimes (or all the time, in our humble opinion) a little bit of magic is needed to help move forward in a pleasureful way.
A Ritual for Rooting Into Saturn
For this ritual you will need:- dark blue and black candles (these represent Saturn) and a holder to burn them safely
- a pen and paper
- a quiet space where you can submerge for as long as you want
- a tarot deck or other divination tool
Begin by creating a ritual space. Cleanse the area and think of Saturn, inviting in the planet of strong boundaries to offer support. You may also wish to call in any spirit guides or allies who want to support you on this boundary journey. Settle into your ritual space with your pen, paper, and divination tool. Light the black candle to absorb any negative feelings that might be associated with the boundary you're working with. Write down this boundary 8 times, the number that represents Saturn. Notice how it feels in your body to reinforce this boundary on paper. You might try looking at the flame in between each sentence, allowing the warmth and vitality of the candle to empower you. You may feel inspired to write this out in different directions or shapes- give yourself permission to be creative and express yourself in whatever way feels most authentic; this is your magic, babe.
When that is complete, shuffle your deck and pull a card out. This is what Saturn wants you to know in this moment. And then light the blue candle. Blue brings healing and patience, both qualities that Saturn can offer. Watch the flame again, and invite Saturnian magic to weave its way towards you. Think of all the opportunities that will arise once the boundary is in place; think of how you're supporting your growth with this boundary. Let the warmth of the candle affirm the work you're doing. When that feels complete, ask the question "what resource is available to me to make this boundary more pleasureful?" and then pull another card. If journaling would be helpful to integrate these messages, do so while the candles are still lit. When you're feeling complete, thank Saturn for their support, thank yourself for taking intentional time, thank your spirit guides and allies if they were invited along, and then blow out the candles.
Use this ritual when you've decided on a boundary and want the integration of said boundary to be as pleasureful as possible.
Boundaries can be hard, and this is so valid. If there's one thing Saturn wants you to know and hold, it's that this type of foundational work takes time. Trust your body and your inner knowing, and know that when your roots are expanded and anchored, so too are you.
Diving into astrology can be so much fun- and also overwhelming, there's so much information! Did you now that we have a private community called the Seagrape Babes where we have conversations like this and more on a deeper level? The doors to join us are open seasonally, join the waitlist if you want to be reminded the next round!
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