PLEASURE PULL Tarot spread for the New Year + New Moon

We've created a brand new tarot spread for you to work with in preparation for the New Year (or a New Moon)! 
Welcome to the final New Moon (and solar eclipse) of the year! This dark moon in Capricorn is particularly whip-cracky, offering a little pleasure to the pain of getting real about goals, desires, and the reality of what the next year will bring if you play your cards right. This new lunar cycle lifts us up into the silky black upperworld and carries us into a brand new decade. It asks us what we need to feel safe, supported, and held, as well as what we need to face and can no longer ignore or put on hold. There is a demand for collaborative energy from this new moon, acting less like a friendly bus driver and more of a co-peddler on a sky-bound tandem bike. And in case you're wondering, yes, you'll be seated in the back. There are directions this moon will ask of you that could feel new and a little nerve-wracking, but the name of the game here is trust. The fateful New Moon paired with the bossy energy of the solar eclipse can be approached as a sexy daddy dom, or a stern but loving dance instructor. These equal and opposite energies live within you. They want you to succeed, to feel exalted, and to commit to yourself, dammit. This is in order for your new year to have the freshest and most beautiful inception possible. It may feel tough at times, but also wildly terrific if you'll willing to meet it.
This custom New Moon + New Year spread, The Pyramid of Pleasure, is designed to visually conjure the grounded stone-by-stone stacking of personal power, and a fire glowing in a pit, reaching up to the night sky. The inverted approach offers a sensation of cascading energy flowing downwards as water does over river rocks. While accessing our own sensuality and pleasure factor, energy shoots upwards and downwards, brought together by the elements of fire and water within the perfect diamond of our physical bodies and light bodies alike. 
When working with tarot, the number six (ruled by Venus) is balancing and unifying, resembling the energy of the Lovers, and reinforcing deeper aspects of communication and radical honesty. To begin this new cycle with the intention of cultivating these qualities within the self is powerful and important work. Six joins together opposites like the flame climbing up to the sky and the waters flowing down the river, the daddy dom and the tight lipped dance teacher, the sun and the moon. In this space of commonality, there is room for forgiveness, harmony, and possible joy and gratitude through the acceptance of grief and pain. We may find new surprising routes to our own pleasure, and excitement in saying yes to the mystery. This is an invitation to strip ourselves clean and dive into the unknown. In this moment, we may embody humility and wondrous empowerment all at once. 
After shuffling and pulling your cards, arrange them one at a time as a pyramid beginning at bottom and working your way up. 
1) FIRST BASE CARD (placed in the middle, between two others) 
This card represents you in this moment; the culmination of self after the energies of 2019. 
2) SECOND BASE CARD (placed to the left of the first base card) 
This card resembles wounds to be healed in 2020. 
3) THIRD BASE CARD (placed to the right of first base card)
This card offers divine support, and suggestion around where to gather healing energy and how it could be applied. 
4) FIRST MIDDLE CARD (placed to the left, above and between first and second base card)
This card represents one of the opposing energies that will be joined in 2020. 
5) SECOND MIDDLE CARD (placed above and between first and third base card)
This card represents the other opposing energy that will be joined in 2020. These two energies are meant to illuminate new routes to personal empowerment and sensuality, guiding your path to personal pleasure. 
6) TOP CARD (placed above both middle cards) This card is the tip of the flame, and the source of the wellspring. This card represents the source of your mystical energy in 2020. 
Consider keeping your top card on your altar for the final days of 2019 and into the first few weeks of 2020, or create a space on your altar that resembles your top card, holding presence around it for the full year. Do you have a deck of your own that speaks to you? Check out a few of our favorites in shop, such as The Modern Witch, Many Queens Tarot, and the Neo Tarot
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