How to Create a Morning Self-Care Routine

Would you like to get the day going from a calm, grounded place? Would you like to check in with your body and life Magically before the day gets hectic? Me too! Read on, babes!

Do you start your day with a morning self-care routine? If not, I highly recommend it! A morning ritual doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult to accomplish. Self-care routines in general are a must but adding one to your morning is a great way to start the day. I like to keep mine simple, but magical, to start the day off right. Keep reading to find out how to add a self-care routine to your morning ritual.

How to create morning self-care routine 
To create a morning self-care routine, start by making a list of 10 things that would make your morning pleasurable. Then, pair it down to 2-3 that you’re most drawn to and incorporate them with the following below:
  • Grounding – This video will show you how to get grounded
  • Gratitude – You can choose from one of the following to add gratitude to your morning self-care routine:
    • Write in your gratitude journal
    • Begin a morning skin oiling to awaken and appreciate your body
    • Create and visit your gratitude Altar. Swapping a word out daily can help you focus your intention for a time. For example, adding the word LOVE to your Altar, then sitting with it and listing 3 things you love about yourself, your life, or your community can be an amazing way to start the day.
  • Guidance – Choose from one of the following to add guidance to your morning routine:
  • Boundaries/protection – Before leaving the house, make sure to put a protection circle up or to mist yourself with a boundary spray to protect you and your surroundings. Have a bottle at the office in case your empathetic self needs a little boost of protection throughout the day!

  • DIY Protection Amulet: 

    This is a simple and effective way to call in protection and energetic boundaries with the help of one of my favorite plant allies: Yarrow. 

    You’ll need:
    >> fresh or dry yarrow 

    ​Using fresh yarrow: If you have a patch of Yarrow you can harvest from go and sit with it. Yarrow is a weed and tends to be plentiful as well as eager to work with us! It comes in many different colors, so see which one you connect with most before working with it. Pick 5 stems of long yarrow, leaving an offering. This can be a song, a poem, gratitude, water, tobacco, or any other offering you’re called to make. 
  • Weave the strands of yarrow into either a circle or a pentacle ( 5 pointed star), attaching the stems to each other with twine. As you do this ask the plant to help you and your space. The pentacle has diverse magickal uses, including protection and is a powerful reminder of a world in balance. Hang your Amulet above your front door, thanking the plant.
    Using dry yarrow: take a pinch of the dry/ fresh yarrow and add it to a little pouch to carry with you. I like to add in a black tourmaline for extra grounding and protection. Speak your intention to the plant/ gem and thank them for their work. Carry on your person or leave near the front door or your office for enhanced boundaries and protection.
    This morning routine is meant to ground you in your physical and emotional body. The trick is to experience pleasure and acknowledge it, allowing yourself to savor it. This will help you be more in your body, stretching time to allow for expansiveness. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds outside for a moment. Feel it in your cells.
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1 comment

  • Shelli

    Thank you so much for this simple guidance! Ever since I can recall I have done for others; it is time to do for me! I’ve created my list, again thank you. Enjoy today.

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