Guiding Light: Tarot for the Wheel of the Year

For the modern witch, the wheel of the year is not only a calendar — it's a compass, a landmark, and a magical container to hold us as we glide through the seasons with purpose. Much like the tarot, the wheel of the year is a collection of energies, symbols, and archetypal associations. Working with the wheel of the year alongside the tarot is a practice of embodiment, and as we emerge into a new year, we can begin to collaborate with both the tarot and the wheel of the year as co-conspirators in our visions for the seasons ahead.

The wheel of the year divides the year evenly with four solar holidays: the spring and autumn equinox and the summer and winter solstice. These four spokes also make up the four seasons, correspond to the four elements, the lunar phases, and delineate the four directions. At its core, the wheel of the year is a framework for understanding and healing our relationship with sacred time. The wheel teaches us to move at the pace of nature, honor the intuition and cycles of our bodies, and become more attentive to the language of change — just as the tarot teaches us to reflect more deeply, turn to archetypal medicine for support, and expand our understanding of linear time.

2023 is the year of the Chariot, the seventh major arcana card in the tarot. This coming year is about embodying and acting on our values, sparking momentum, and moving at your own pace. Timing and speed will be key in the seasons ahead, and we can look to the wheel for support as we find our footing in this Chariot year.

We start at the top of the wheel in Winter. Winter is associated with earth, the dark moon, and the north, carrying us through Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces season. In the northern hemisphere, winter solstice marks this first spoke on the wheel. The dark season begins with the shortest day and the longest night of the year, and with it, a period of deep reflection. This is a time to celebrate the manifestation of dreams and visions, look ahead towards the returning of the light, and slow the pace — we've made it through the darkest days! 

The next spoke of the wheel is Spring. Represented by the element of air, the waxing moon, and the east, Spring carries us through Aries, Taurus, and Gemini season. The spring equinox is an opportunity to awaken our magic and fuse our subconscious with our consciousness. During the spring, our energy is rejuvenated and refreshed. As the land wakes, the wheel begins to turn at a quicker pace, shaking free the frost of winter. Spring teaches us how to begin again, and that renewal is always available to us.

And the wheel turns to Summer. Represented by fire, the full moon, and the South, summer guides us through Cancer, Leo and Virgo season. The summer solstice marks the longest day and shortest night of the year, and the beginning of the summer season. This is a time to bask — the earth is resplendent with life, color, energy, and movement. It's also a time of deep grief; summer is the burning season, prying open the gateway between life and death.

Lastly, the wheel turns to Autumn. Represented by water, the waning moon, and the West, autumn sustains us through Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius season. The autumnal equinox signals the height of the harvest season and urges us to spend time in the abundance of community.

A Tarot Spread for the Wheel of the Year

The Chariot card embodies the archetype of change — change is alchemy, is transmutation, is metamorphosis. When we change, we realign. We move, we shift. We shake off an old skin and grow a new one. We adjust our pace. Change is profound, and joyful, and revelatory. This tarot spread is an opportunity to vision ahead through the wheel of the year and ask for archetypal guidance as you plan for the seasons to come. Use only major arcana cards for this spread!


CARD ONE — Medicine of the season.

CARD TWO — Dream of the season.

CARD THREE — Challenges of the season.


CARD ONE — Medicine of the season.

CARD TWO — Dream of the season.

CARD THREE — Challenges of the season.


CARD ONE — Medicine of the season.

CARD TWO — Dream of the season.

CARD THREE — Challenges of the season.


CARD ONE — Medicine of the season.

CARD TWO — Dream of the season.

CARD THREE — Challenges of the season.

As you reflect on this spread, remember that the wheel of the year and the tarot are eager collaborators. Give yourself permission to approach these frameworks as you would your own guides, ancestors, and supportive allies. The modern witch's most magical tools are those grounded in reciprocal relationship — developing intimacy with the wheel of the year and the tarot is the first step towards embodying their gifts.

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