Full Bloom: Embodied Bloom with Mars

Time flows in an expanded continuum, constantly moving us through. It expands, grows, unfurls, and occasionally stops. And so do you. Each passing season brings its own themes and lessons to sink into. Summer is the time of illumination where everything gets to be witnessed just as it is- summer is an invitation to open up and expand, to rise into your fullest bloom. Each step you have taken coincides with your growth as you flow through the transformations and changes of these passing seasons and life cycles. When is the last time you took yourself in and celebrated yourself without looking to the past or future, but standing in the present? Embodying your Full bloom is about looking at yourself fully, in the now, and discovering the infinite reasons to admire the amazing, magical, babe that you are. Release thoughts of the past that slow you down, let go of the anxiety rushing you towards the future, and embrace the Sun's warmth with arms open wide as this luminary shines a light on you. As you navigate your full bloom, what it means to embrace yourself, celebrate your growth, and lean into your creativity and passions; look to Mars to brighten your path.

Mars is one of the seven traditional planets and is associated with drive, passion, and courage. Mars's strength is in taking action, but this fiery planet needs a a strong leader to guide them towards the goal of embodied bloom. You are this leader, babe. You are the Sun communicating with Mars, and only you can define what your embodied bloom is. What does it mean to you to live a life comfortable taking up space and living your life to the fullest? Full Bloom is about allowing yourself the freedom to exist as is, to believe and affirm that who you are right now in this present moment is more than enough and is worthy of celebration.

Imagine what it might look like to gift yourself permission to live life in your fullest bloom. Freed from the shackles created by comparison, gifted space for even more expansion and embodiment if your heart desires it.

Consider Mars as a guide showing you how to ignite the fire; the fire that lights a path forward to you in your fullest bloom. This can feel overwhelming, and even nerve racking, but Mars takes your hand and encourages you to bravely move forward. Mars represents strength and action, making this planet a strong ally and guide who is more than ready and willing to meet you on the realm of embodiment. Look to where Mars is in your birth chart to learn the ways you can use this specific placement to embody your fullest bloom. Below is a brief summary for exploration:


Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

These signs enjoy optimistic encouragement. They want to be celebrated when they do great, and encouraged for trying their best. Fire is fluid, and can expand or burn out in an instant. Keep your flame alive by allowing yourself space to celebrate your growth and changes.

Do you encourage your creativity and take action when you have a strong desire? Are you making space for you wants? Are you allowing yourself freedom to play and expand? How are you celebrating yourself and being your own passion and fire?

Fan this Fiery energy to embody your fullest bloom by taking up space and allowing your warmth to be felt in community.


Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

These signs feel most supported when there's a sense of consistency in their lives. They like having a clear idea of their goals so they can make a plan to achieve those goals. Earth signs thrives when given a strong foundation, look to where you may need to be supported so you can bask in your growth.

What habits have you established that encourage your growth? What habits can you release that hinder your growth? Do you know what embodiment means to you as you step towards this goal? How are you embracing yourself fully and standing tall in your magic?

Strengthen this Earthy energy to embody your fullest bloom by taking the time to build a strong foundation for your roots to grow.


Air Signs: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra

These signs relish in invitations for change and expansiveness. They like deviating from a set routine and following the flow their heart desires. Air signs like to be intellectually challenged to discover new things about themselves, take a moment to pause and relish in the amazing things you have learned over time.

When is the last time you looked at your habits with gentle and compassionate curiosity? Do you welcome change as you evolve in your life, or try to avoid it? What do you do to encourage mental stimulation and growth? How are you honoring the unique being that you are and embodying the air beneath your wings as you soar?

Lean into this Airy energy to embody your fullest bloom by exploring opportunities to learn and grow.


Water Signs: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio

These signs feel best reassured when they are allowed opportunities to be empathized with. These signs are deep and feel their emotions strongly. Water signs thrive when they are in safe spaces to be vulnerable. Embrace your depths by inviting in moments to savor tranquil moments.

Do you allow yourself space to be vulnerable? How do you show yourself empathy and reassure yourself when having a strong desire? How do you translate your emotions into action? How do you commemorate the amazing being that you are and submerge in your greatness?

Support this Watery energy to embody your fullest bloom by channeling your emotions into a source of strength.


Leaning Into Mars

Take some time to sit with how this information resonates with you and explore what thoughts came up- anything that resonated is a great indication of how to take action to support your full bloom. As you dive into embodying your bloom through Mars, create an intention for yourself to activate Mars. Mars thrives when there is a goal to work towards. Remember, Mars is associated with the God of War and needs to know what it is fighting for to support you fully.


Consider what living in your full bloom means to you, and how you want to support this embodied being as you create your intention. An Aquarius Mars may feel most embodied once they embrace what makes them unique, and may want to support this energy through sharing their thoughts without fear of being misunderstood. A Taurus Mars may feel most embodied when living a life of leisure, and may want to support this energy by granting themselves permission to move at their own pace, unapologetically.

For example, an Aquarius Mars' intention may be, "I live in a state of Full Bloom by embracing my unique qualities, and activate Mars by sharing my eccentric thoughts and ideas."

Write your intention down and carry it on your person this upcoming Tuesday, as Tuesday is ruled by the Planet Mars. As you write down your intention, imagine yourself living boldly and confidently, in a state of Full Bloom. Repeat this ritual anytime you feel called to embrace your full bloom.

Remember that there are flowers of various forms and sizes and they are all beautiful. We don't criticize the way roses bloom with thorns, we appreciate the poetry of their existence. Allow yourself permission to look to yourself as a beautiful creation that exists in this world too. Lean into Mars to advocate for your wants and uphold your boundaries so you can delight in embodying your full bloom. You are a magical embodied babe, and Mars is ready to stand by your side to support your marvelous existence!

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- Rue, Founder & CEO

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