Body Wise: tending to your body

Feeling disconnected from our bodies is an unfortunate side effect of modern living. The constant tug of our workdays, a negative news cycle, ancestral trauma, caring for others, or the hum of technology all providing a persistent pull up and out of our bodies and into stress, tension, or anxiety. When’s the last time you took 5 minutes out of your day to ground yourself? To remember your feet are roots connecting you to our earth? To feel the brush of your fingertips across your skin, or let the sips of tea soothe your mind? Tap back into your body wisdom this month by slowing down, engaging your senses, and listening to your intuition. Your body can tell you what it needs to feel safe and nourished, it’s up to you to listen. 


When you wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing you notice your body needs? Does it feel like it wants to stretch and move, or maybe it needs a soft tender touch and for things to stay dark and cozy for as long as possible. Maybe it needs to be warmed up, either in a bath or perhaps with a cup of nourishing tea? This tea blend has a nervine and mineral rich blend of our favorite herbs to support relaxation and boost your body first thing! 


Morning Mineral Tea Blend

1 part oatstraw 

1 part nettle 

1 part red raspberry leaf 

2 parts peppermint  


Combine ingredients in an airtight jar, steep 1 teaspoon in hot water and sip slowly. 


Tending to our bodies is a transformational mix of magic and intuition - only you can know best what your body needs. Often society has made us tune out our bodies' needs to prioritize productivity, capitalism, and the patriarchy. Tune back into your body every day, rebuild your relationship to your needs and desires. We can strengthen our intuition like a muscle by exercising it every day. 


Try this simple intuition color magic practice: The next time you are getting ready to go out, simply close your eyes and take a deep breath. Ask your intuition to show you what color will support you most throughout the day - whatever color, image, or memory shows itself to you, tune in! If you see a bright bouquet of flowers, wear as many colors as possible - if you see a calm wash of blue, wear something blue - if you remember a yellow dress your sister wore once, toss on a yellow accessory or two. Maybe you'll end up wearing monochrome outfit, or have a splash of different colors from top to bottom. A rainbow top, blue jeans, and yellow bag? You'll look so great! Colored lingerie is also a great way to experiment with color magic if you have to wear a uniform to work! Let your intuition guide you, and use the color to support your day. 


If your vision is filled with juicy cherries and red roses, embody this color magic with a DIY cheek and lip tint!


You'll need:

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1-2 teaspoons shea butter

1/2 teaspoon beeswax

1/2 teaspoon alkanet or beetroot powder


Combine everything but the powder in a double broiler (or heatproof bowl set over a pot of simmering water.) When everything is melted, add your powder and stir. Pour into a small sealable container, let set overnight. Use to adorn cheeks and lips for a splash of color!


Tending to our bodies means actually TENDING to them! Treat your skin to some luscious moisture to repair and heal any dry or sore spots, soak your achy feet in a luscious foot soak with herbs and epsom salts, rest or stretch depending on what sounds good to you! 

Try this grounding essential oil blend in your favorite body care recipe; it would be totally lovely added to a base of jojoba oil for a massage oil, mixed in with ½ cup of epsom salts for a bath soak, or added to a combo of equal parts olive oil and fine sugar for a shower scrub! 


Grounding Essential Oil Blend 

2 drops cedarwood

2 drops juniper 

2 drops patchouli 

2 drops bergamot 


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- Rue, Founder & CEO

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